Plan your 60-minute lesson in Math or Number Sense and Operations with helpful tips from Michelle Novelli Young children love fun finger plays and they solve as a. Guided Math Lessons for Kindergarten Spanish supplement Included in the downloadThis packet is detailed and differentiated lesson plans activities games. Addition And Subtraction Activities For Kids Fundamental Methods Proud To Be Primary Kindergarten Math Games Subtraction Activities Kindergarten Math Activities How to teach addition and subtraction in kindergarten. Lesson plan for kindergarten math subtraction . Students learn addition and subtraction with a variety of hands-on activities. Say 6 pieces together with 2 pieces is 8 Write 6 2 8 or the board and. 30 - 40 Minutes. This lesson is designed to help students represent addition and subtraction. Our Subtraction lesson plan introduces the basics of subtraction to young students. In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades K through 3 students use Br...